Production and Facilities Coordinator
Paul Abrego has been involved in access television production since 1998 and has been at BATV since 2002.
He attended both the University of Hawaii at Manoa where he double-majored in surfing and hiking and Emerson College where he enjoyed mussing the perfect hair of broadcast journalism students whilst studying in the film and audio departments. A former FCC licensed radio disc jockey, Paul is a certified audiophile as well as a film junky, although he has stopped collecting DVD's as he now believes they are a waste of money as they will inevitably be obsolete. However, he continues to purchase compact music discs and supporting local record stores. This irony is not lost on him.
He is happiest making his young daughter laugh at his imitations- especially those of Mr. T and of his co-workers. Other things he enjoys are (in no particular order): rainbows, sunsets, long walks on the beach, puppies, kittens and gore movies.
He attended both the University of Hawaii at Manoa where he double-majored in surfing and hiking and Emerson College where he enjoyed mussing the perfect hair of broadcast journalism students whilst studying in the film and audio departments. A former FCC licensed radio disc jockey, Paul is a certified audiophile as well as a film junky, although he has stopped collecting DVD's as he now believes they are a waste of money as they will inevitably be obsolete. However, he continues to purchase compact music discs and supporting local record stores. This irony is not lost on him.
He is happiest making his young daughter laugh at his imitations- especially those of Mr. T and of his co-workers. Other things he enjoys are (in no particular order): rainbows, sunsets, long walks on the beach, puppies, kittens and gore movies.