Please Help Billerica Access Television
& PEG Access TV Nationwide Stop the FCC from Defunding PEG Channels The FCC is proposing to redefine what a franchise fee is and it will radically reduce the level of monetary support available to run PEG access channels across the United States. This means that BATV and access centers across the country could lose funding and no longer be able to provide the community with the hyperlocal coverage that you've come to rely on. Please let your congressional representatives know you support Billerica Access Television and PEG Access TV nationwide by clicking HERE and sign the petition asking Congress to stop the FCC from trying to re-write the 1984 Cable Act and financially starving local communities and our PEG channels in its rule-making (Docket NR 05-311). It only takes a couple of minutes to do. If you’ve already taken action, please share the link and encourage your friends to do the same. Thank you for your time and continued support of community media.
Public, Education and Government Access Television may be more important now than ever! Billerica Access Television, Inc. (BATV) and every access corporation nationwide provide communities the opportunity to have their voices heard in the sea of national, now global, media. What happens in each community affects each of us everyday and the right to speak out on any issue, big or small, is the first and most important Right we have.
The FCC is proposing to redefine what a franchise fee is and it may radically reduce the level of monetary support available to run Public, Education and Government access channels nationwide. BATV and its Board of Directors not only oppose the FCC’s current proposal, but also its 2002 decision that declared revenues from cable modem service not be used in computing franchise fees. The BATV Board of Directors unanimously approved a statement that supports overturning the FCC’s 2002 rulemaking and amending the Cable Communications Policy Act. The entire BATV Board of Director statement can be viewed HERE. The Annual Meeting of the Membership will be held on Thursday, March 21st. This evening is complimentary for all BATV Members. Please RSVP by Wednesday, March 6th: Call 978-663-2284 or email [email protected] We're pleased to announce that our entertainment for the
BATV Annual Meeting of the Membership is Magician Peter Boie! Peter Boie tours nationally with his show Magician for Non-Believers. Sure magic isn’t real, but he’s going to get you to believe it is for the length of his show. Peter has been featured on the hit TV show Fool Us, where Penn & Teller described his performance “beautiful”. Peter has performed for celebrities such as Neil Young and Tom Brady. Combining original mind-blowing magic with a heavy dose of humor is why he’s one of the top booked acts in the country and has earned him nominations from Campus Activities Magazine for Entertainer of the Year. His performance will leave the even the most jaded audience entertained and amazed. The Minutes from the March 15, 2018 Annual Meeting of the Membership can be viewed HERE. |
Mission Statement"To encourage and enable open extensive communication through BATV while promoting diversity and responsibility." Incorporated in 1987, Billerica Access Television, Inc. (BATV) is Billerica’s designated private non-profit, non-commercial public, educational, and governmental access television corporation...
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