Attention BATV Members
An Open Hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, September 9, 2015, 7:00 pm at BATV to consider proposed amendments to BATV’s By-Laws; all are welcome to attend. The following are the current and proposed By-Laws for consideration.
Alysha Palumbo, NECN Reporter Surprises Youth Studio Production Workshop While in Billerica covering a news story, NECN general assignment reporter and fill-in anchor Alysha Palumbo stopped by BATV and conversed with children participating in a Summer Studio Production Workshop. After fielding questions, Alysha invited participants to watch as she did a live report on Andover Road. Following her live update, she encouraged participants to tour the NECN satellite truck. Thanks Alysha for visiting BATV! |
Mission Statement"To encourage and enable open extensive communication through BATV while promoting diversity and responsibility." Incorporated in 1987, Billerica Access Television, Inc. (BATV) is Billerica’s designated private non-profit, non-commercial public, educational, and governmental access television corporation...
Closures And Limited Hours
Veterans Day - Closed Thanksgiving - Closed Christmas Eve - Close at 2 Christmas Day - Closed New Years Eve - Close at 2 Organizations Served
February 2025