If you don’t know what our Community Media Project is all about, check out this post
from our Content Producer, Tara: BATV Community Media Project Participate daily or when you see a prompt that piques your interest. We’ll post a new prompt each morning until the quarantine is over.
As a reminder, BATV remains closed to the public until further notice. Staff are working remotely and are still responding to email and voicemail messages, so if you have questions, you can still call us at 978-663-2284 (be sure to leave a message with a phone number where we can reach you!) or email us.
We're still accepting programming. Contact our Program Coordinator, Kayla, at [email protected] for more info. Postings for the Community Bulletin Board may be submitted by visiting https://bit.ly/submitabulletin. Don't forget to check out social media accounts each morning for a new prompt for our Community Video Project, if you'd like to participate in that. Stay healthy and we hope to see you all again soon! We hope you are all healthy and remaining positive as we find our way during this unprecedented time. We look forward to returning to normal and greeting our dedicated, happy and healthy members.
But until then, BATV will remain closed to the public until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we feel this is the most responsible decision for the health of our staff, members and community as a whole. While closed, BATV staff will continue to reply to phone messages and email, accept and process electronically submitted programming and community bulletin board requests, monitor programming and continue to offer our services to the Town. If you have programming you would like to submit for cablecast on the PEG access channels, please email [email protected] and she will provide instructions. Messages for the Community Bulletin Board may be submitted by visiting batvinc.org/community-bulletin-board.html. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact BATV at 978.663.2284 or email us at [email protected]. Thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you when we re-open, happy and healthy. Remain positive. BATV Annual Meeting of the Membership Postponed
Due to the growing COVID-19 concerns and conditions, BATV has postponed its Annual Meeting of the Membership scheduled for Thursday, March 19, 2020. We appreciate your support of the Corporation’s decision and will keep you posted of updates as they become available. Operational Updates While BATV remains open, no more facility reservations will be accepted until April 1, 2020 or until further notice. However, reservations for field equipment check out / in will be accepted. If you are planning to visit BATV, we ask you to please observe the following:
And if you are not feeling well, please stay home. Moreover, BATV will take the following actions:
Thank you for your continued support, patience and flexibility during these uncertain times. Stay healthy! |
Mission Statement"To encourage and enable open extensive communication through BATV while promoting diversity and responsibility." Incorporated in 1987, Billerica Access Television, Inc. (BATV) is Billerica’s designated private non-profit, non-commercial public, educational, and governmental access television corporation...
Closures And Limited Hours
Veterans Day - Closed Thanksgiving - Closed Christmas Eve - Close at 2 Christmas Day - Closed New Years Eve - Close at 2 Organizations Served
February 2025