As a reminder, BATV remains closed to the public until further notice. Staff are working remotely and are still responding to email and voicemail messages, so if you have questions, you can still call us at 978-663-2284 (be sure to leave a message with a phone number where we can reach you!) or email us.
We're still accepting programming. Contact our Program Coordinator, Kayla, at [email protected] for more info. Postings for the Community Bulletin Board may be submitted by visiting Don't forget to check out social media accounts each morning for a new prompt for our Community Video Project, if you'd like to participate in that. Stay healthy and we hope to see you all again soon!
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Mission Statement"To encourage and enable open extensive communication through BATV while promoting diversity and responsibility." Incorporated in 1987, Billerica Access Television, Inc. (BATV) is Billerica’s designated private non-profit, non-commercial public, educational, and governmental access television corporation...
Closures And Limited Hours
Veterans Day - Closed Thanksgiving - Closed Christmas Eve - Close at 2 Christmas Day - Closed New Years Eve - Close at 2 Organizations Served
February 2025